The PSYCH-K® Online Workshop – Level 1 is the base of the pyramid, the starting point of the online training.
The training continues with the PSYCH-K® Online Workshop – Level 2, which is in preparation.
The PSYCH-K® Online Workshop –
Level 1
This Workshop is dedicated to all those who wish to learn this powerful method for their own personal and spiritual growth.
The PSYCH-K® Online Workshop – Level 1 is a complete three-day program at the end of which you will be independent in the use of PSYCH-K® for your own needs. During this Workshop, I will teach you the exact formula needed to work with your conscious, subconscious, and superconscious mind, in order to obtain everything you really need in life!
The PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop is the mainstay of the pyramid, the starting point of the training.
Training continues with the Master Facilitation Workshop (MFW) and the PSYCH-K® Advanced Workshop: you can choose which of the latter two to attend first.
To attend the PSYCH-K® Health and Wellbeing Program (HWP) and the Divine Integration Retreat (DIR), you must attend the Basic and Advanced Workshops first.
Imagine a pyramid, the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop is its supporting base, without which everything above it (the other workshops) could not exist.
The Basic Workshop is not an introductory workshop that requires a follow-up with other workshops in order for you to achieve your results (as we see in many other methodologies), but is a complete three-day program after which you will be totally autonomous in the use of PSYCH-K® on yourself and with others.
During this workshop I will teach you the exact formula necessary to work with your conscious mind, your subconscious mind and your superconscious mind to get everything you really need in life!
During the Master Facilitation Workshop, you will acquire all the necessary tools to become an expert PSYCH-K® Facilitator and help yourself, and others, in a simple, elegant, powerful and effective way!
In three days you will learn how to perform sessions in person, by phone or video call (Skype, Zoom, etc.) and you will have the opportunity to put all the secrets of the trade into practice IMMEDIATELY.
If you want to be an expert in PSYCH-K® Facilitation, it is essential that you are a ISUMATAQ, an Inuit word (a population from northern Canada) that means: “the keeper of sacred space where wisdom reveals itself”.
You will be an Isumataq with every person you Facilitate PSYCH-K® sessions with. You will be the keeper of the sacred space where you will welcome the person, who will feel so protected, safe and unjudged (a bit like a new-born child in the arms of his or her mother), so that when you ask a question, he or she will have access to the deepest and most resolute answer and the session, for this very reason, will be easy, profound and effective!
You will then be able to help your Partner to integrate all the answers, solutions and goals he or she needs, to the subconscious level, using the PSYCH-K® Balances that you learned during the Basic Workshop.
If we consider the Basic Workshop as the backbone of the pyramid, then the Advanced PSYCH-K® workshop is the next level, which will allow you to view new realities and opportunities that you may not even have thought existed! During this four-day workshop you will take a journey of growth that normally would take years (optimistically) if it was just done with your conscious mind. You will also be able to apply everything you learn in this time and experiment first-hand with other people during and after the workshop!
At the end of this intense four-day voyage you will be ready for the final, and for many the most pleasantly mind-blowing, PSYCH-K® surprise, but I can’t tell you any more…yet.
Do you want to discover the magnificent self-healing abilities of your body and mind? Would you like to learn how to use them to help yourself?
Alternatively, are you a health and wellness professional? Would you like to have a tool to integrate with what you already know and gain a more holistic approach be even more effective? Then this Workshop is for you!
Remember your original, Divine, perfect state of health and stay aligned with it.
Think in a new, creative, unconventional way to find previously invisible solutions. As Einstein said: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it “.
Have all the necessary tools to manage a health-related session from beginning to end.
This Retreat is PSYCH-K®’s supreme gift and the apex of the pyramid where the base is the Basic Workshop and the intermediate layer is the Advanced Workshop.
The more we recognize our true spiritual nature, the more the source of all that is will manifest in the world.